What a ride it has been to get to get to this point! Here's another ride that we have been tracking since construction started back in 2019. Pantheon was supposed to open in 2020, but saw its opening indefinitely delayed due to the pandemic. When we heard that pass holder previews were happening, we had to make the trip. The first day we visited, it was snowing outside ! So cold that the park closed down early. The next day it was a combination of cold weather and winds that kept the ride shuttered. When we were about to lose hope, the ride opened, and we were able to get a ride on this coaster. Not enough to properly review it, but we can at least say that the ride did not disappoint from a layout perspective.
Pantheon is most likely going to be many people's favorite coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The ride experience is unique and is one of the most thrilling in a park filled with thrilling coasters. Unfortunately the attractions features an uncharacteristic lack of theming. For a park as proud of their landscaping and beauty as Busch Gardens Williamsburg, it is a bit embarrassing to have done so little around this ride, especially given the amount of time that has passed. The ride has a lighting package, but besides that finds itself placed in an empty field. It doesn't seem likely that much more is coming. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend.
Pantheon features a unique forwards - backwards-forwards launch section involving a fast track switch, vertical spike and top hat. Once you make it over the top hat, you will find yourself falling down towards the Rhine River, back up on an outwardly banked airtime hill and into a stall before winding your way back to the station. Due to the launch section, the ride's duration is relatively long clocking in around a minute and a half. The ride seemed a bit temperamental. Hopefully these kinks get worked out as time progresses.
OK, that's enough backstory, time for the pictures. Follow along as we take you through our two-day BGW visit culminating with a ride on Busch Garden's newest coaster: Pantheon.
Photo Updates Busch Gardens Williamsburg 187 Photos Posted: 07/27/2016
Photo Updates Busch Gardens Williamsburg 52 Photos Posted: 03/25/2018
Photo Updates Busch Gardens Williamsburg 142 Photos Posted: 02/08/2022