at SeaWorld San Diego

We ride Emperor

SeaWorld San Diego Trip Report Photos Taken: 07/08/2022 Posted: 01/18/2023

In this photo update, we share photos from our visit to SeaWorld San Diego last year. It was our first time at the park with Emperor open. Sadly, Tidal Twister was not, and so we must await our next visit for another chance to ride.

Emperor is a great ride stifled only by a lack of theming and very minimal station. The ride proved to be very popular, but still got a chance to ride a couple times. The new smaller B&M dive coasters are sure shaping up to be wonderful additions. I can only expect Dr. Diabolical's Cliffhanger in Six Flags Fiesta Texas will be similar.

SeaWorld's Electric Ocean event was ongoing so we've shared some photos of that as well.



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